About Us

National Rural Recreation Mission Society (NRRMS)
NRRMS was start with the objective of enhancing the social and economic empowerment of the rural poor in India. It has been designed as a multipronged approach to strengthen livelihoods of the rural poor by promoting SHGs, providing skill development and placement for youth for wage based occupations in different private/business organizations and imparting self employment oriented training. NRRMS has undergone various phases of learning and has demonstrated significant successes till date in terms of formation of quality Self Help Groups, their financial assistance and sustainability. Attention has been given on the assessment of the status of SHG movement in the country, bringing good SHGs into Village Organization and Cluster Level Federation fold, further support and facilitation required, on bank linkages to SHGs and on how the programme is to be implemented in a mission mode in a phased manner.
Our Vision and Mission
The National Rural Recreation Mission Society at reaching nearly 70 million rural households of India, it aims to reach out to all rural poor families and link them to sustainable livelihoods opportunities. It will nurture them till they come out of poverty and enjoy a decent quality of life.NRRMS envisions that each poor family should have an annual income of Rs. 50,000 per annum.

To reduce poverty by enabling the poor households to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots institutions of the poor
We dedicate ourselves to empowering the underprivileged women as well as the members of vulnerable communities/groups in the state by organizing and capacitating their groups and creating sustainable livelihoods. We ensure convergence of prevalent development programs and schemes as well as forge partnerships with other non-government organizations and International developmental agencies for inclusive growth and the empowerment of the members of the groups served. In order to provide quality member-services, we remain financially sound and secure. We work towards establishing ourselves as a unique organization with deep abiding human values and maintaining the same.